
Group: DynoMotion Message: 12003 From: embraced338 Date: 7/28/2015
Subject: Using KFLOP JP7 or JP5 for spindle PWM

Hi all,

I've got a KFLOP I'd like to use to control my VFD using PWM into a 0-10v signal.

I've already got the hardware to convert a PWM signal into the specified analog signal.

I would like to know how, if possible, I could use one of the KFLOP JP7 step generators or the JP5 generators to produce the pulse train to drive the 0-10v converter, instead of the JP6 connector.

I have looked at the 'SpindlePWM.c' program, and cannot see a variable, or even any documentation to change this PWM output to anything but pin 5 on JP6.

Some assistance in this is appreciated.



Group: DynoMotion Message: 12005 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 7/28/2015
Subject: Re: Using KFLOP JP7 or JP5 for spindle PWM
Hi Lindsay,

The 8 PWM generators are hard wired to KFLOP JP6.  But there is an option to multiplex PWM0 over to KFLOP JP7 Pin5

      FPGA(KAN_TRIG_REG)=4;  // Mux PWM0 to JP7 Pin5 IO 44 for KSTEP
      SetBitDirection(44,1);  // define bit as an output

KStep makes use of that for it's PWM to analog circuitry.  See the Analog Output Section here:

A Software generated PWM can be used with any I/O pin.  Here is an example using a pair of Konnect outputs:

A Step/Dir generator can also be used to generate a varying duty cycle by varying the frequency.  See the StepAsPWM.c example.
